Discover the Universe of Doran Eccel.

Welcome to the universe of content that will help you discover a unique artist: ”Doran Eccel’’.

Discover the Universe of
Doran Eccel.

Welcome to the universe of content that will help you discover a unique artist: ”Doran Eccel’’.

The prototype of the Modern artist: Donato Lecce, known as Doran Eccel.

The prototype of the Modern artist: Donato Lecce aka Doran Eccel
Graduated in legal sciences, with an international master’s degree in theology and philosophy, as well as a specialization as a coach in the development of human potential, Donato Lecce is a successful young Italian entrepreneur in the business services sector.
In this path, physical activity – and in particular martial arts – are the cornerstones that integrate a global training process aimed at harmonizing mind and body.

Donato has developed a holistic vision of the company which he considers as a living organism, where each part is interconnected and influences the entire system.

This concept of his, combined with an eclectic personality who is passionate about multiple disciplines, activities and interests, also finds a way to express itself in the artistic field.

He considers himself an entrepreneur/artist, and in fact thinks of the company as a work of art that he tries to shape every day, putting together the rational and irrational parts of himself.

These peculiarities flowed naturally into the construction of the character Doran, within a multiverse of contents that he now masters as a modern digital artist: a content creator.

Through artistic fiction and beyond, Donato puts all of himself into play and his skills as a CEO Artist combined with those of the “action world” are fully manifested in Doran, a successful young entrepreneur who, through his growth experience personal and professional, he wants to share his thoughts and his philosophy of life, in a search for the perfect synthesis between athletic preparation, maximum aesthetic expression in style and a spirituality that makes him mysterious and magnetic.
He is a true outsider also for the uniqueness of his message and his creativity where art and philosophy, physical activity and introspection, freedom and joy of living meet, to embody a concrete example and find a precise reference capable of awakening the ” warrior” that rests in each of us.



Doran – A Warrior is Born” is the docuseries, totally free and available on the YouTube channel “Doran The Story”, which in 12 episodes tells the story of the protagonist in his real role as a successful entrepreneur and that of Doran Eccel “The Mystic Warrior”. All in a crescendo of contents ranging from communication, to sport, to the importance of the body/mind relationship, and where you can also discover the first scenes filmed on set.

Doran The Multiverse Mystic Warrior


‘Multiverse: Doran the mystic warrior” is a digital platform available on the website where it is possible to follow Donato Lecce’s first original idea, that is, a themed multiverse whose title takes inspiration from the protagonist character and develops into a story articulated on multiple levels in a web series: action, music and comics.

Doran Mindfulness


Doran Mindfulness is the first online column, in which Donato Lecce addresses various topics related to Mindfulness taken from his experience as CEO and Creator.
The combination between reality and fiction, in which the protagonist takes off the role of CEO and becomes a superhero and vice versa, is told with some metaphors that invite us to reflect on everyday life.

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